Monday, October 2, 2023

reZet80 PIONEER - 8279 PKDI

As of R1 the reZet80 PIONEER uses the 8279 PKDI (Programmable Keyboard / Display Interface) device to access the keyboard and a 16-digit display. This 7-segment LED display shows 16 alphanumericals ("0"-"9", "A"-"Z") and punctuation symbols. The display has been designed for common cathode LED displays.
The 8279 PKDI board provides a 20-key keyboard including special keys (ENTER, BACK, ESC and SHIFT).
I defined the 7-segment font in order to obtain unique, unambiguous shapes for all alphanumericals and punctuation symbols. Well, almost, there are some exceptions.
The 8279 device was available from Intel, NEC, Mitsubishi and other manufacturers.
Sorry for the bad quality of the images of the LED display of my prototype system.