Wednesday, December 2, 2020

reZet80 deMon (debug Monitor)

This is the reZet80 deMon (debug Monitor) R0 (release zero).
It's the software that runs on the reZet80 DEV.

The amount of ROM and RAM are checked and displayed first (shall be 20H and 20H for the 64 KiB board, "H" for hexadecimal).

Then the date and time are displayed (will be 2000-00-00 and 00:00:00 on first startup).

After pressing any key (the right arrow tells you to do so) you are provided with a prompt.

The only available command is "DWYYMMDDHHMMSS" to set the date and time.
  D:  set "D"ate / time command
  W:  day of the week (0 = Sunday, 6 = Saturday)
  YY: year (20YY, 00 - 99)
  MM: month (01 - 12)
  DD: day (01 - 31)
  HH: hour (00 - 24, only 24-hour format is supported for now)
  MM: minute (00 - 59)
  SS: second (00 - 59)

No plausibility checks are done.

12-hour format and a few other functions are not implemented yet.

Due to the battery backup the system clock continues to work after system shutdown.

And that's it for R0.

Documentation including schematics, images and source code: GitHub